Leaps and Bounds: Group Therapy for Children with Problematic Sexual Behaviors

At the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy we understand that sexual exploration and play are a natural part of childhood sexual development; however, some sexual behaviors are more than play or harmless curiosity and are potentially harmful to the child or others (“problematic sexual behaviors”). Most children with problematic sexual behaviors can be helped with outpatient treatment. Our “Leaps & Bounds: Healthy Boundaries for Children and Families” treatment program is an evidence-based intervention [footnote with more details about PSB-CBT designed to eliminate problematic sexual behaviors and improve behavior and adjustment in children ages 7-14, while reducing stress and enhancing skills in parents and caregivers. The program is a group-based treatment for children and their caregivers. Children and their caregivers meet at the same time in separate groups once a week. Combined sessions also occur where children and caregivers can practice new skills.
During the groups, parents learn:
· To distinguish normal from problematic sexual behaviors in children
· Appropriate responses to children’s sexual behaviors
· Ways to prevent problematic sexual behavior
· Effective responses to other behavioral problems
At the same time, children learn:
· Rules about sexual behavior
· Privacy and boundary rules
· Coping skills and impulse control skills
· Social skills
Children and Families referred for consideration for placement in group will receive a comprehensive screening and assessment to ensure there is a good fit with the needs of the child and family and the treatment program.
PSB-CBT is being offered Free of Charge to families.
For More Information, please contact Joan Lewis at joanl@gacfca.org